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Jiří AnderleEcce homo

1982 - 1985

Jiří Anderle
Kouzelník / Magician

lept / etching, 1982, opus 208
66 x 49 cm

Jiří Anderle
Manželský pár / Married Couple

lept a koláž / etching and collage, 1982, opus 209
95,5 x 63,5 cm

Jiří Anderle

lept / etching, 1982, opus 212
66 x 49 cm

Jiří Anderle
Gabrielle d´Estrées a jedna z jejích sester Gabrielle d´Estrées and One of Her Sisters

lept / etching, 1982, opus 215
49,5 x 60 cm

Jiří Anderle
La Source (podle Ingrese / after Ingres)

lept / etching, 1982, opus 227
67 x 49,5 cm

Jiří Anderle
Loutnista / Lute Player

(podle Caravaggia / after Caravaggio)
lept a kresba / etching and drawing, 1982, opus 232
66 x 50 cm

Jiří Anderle

(podle Caravaggia / after Caravaggio)
lept a kresba / etching and drawing, 1982, opus 232
66 x 50 cm

Jiří Anderle
Hoch s ještěrkou / Boy with a Lizard

(podle Caravaggia / after Caravaggio)
lept a kresba / etching and drawing, 1982, opus 232
66 x 50 cm

Jiří Anderle
Hoch s košíkem ovoce / Boy with a Fruit Punet

(podle Caravaggia / after Caravaggio)
lept a kresba / etching and drawing, 1982, opus 232
66 x 50 cm

Jiří Anderle
Ecce homo

(podle Dürera / after Dürer)
lept / etching, 1982, opus 236
95 x 65 cm

Jiří Anderle
Apokalyptičtí jezdci / Riders of Apocalypse

(podle Dürera / after Dürer)
lept / etching, 1982, opus 237
96 x 65 cm

Jiří Anderle
Portrét / Portrait

lept / etching, 1983, opus 245
19,5 x 20 cm
rámováno / framed

Jiří Anderle
Homo hominus lupus

lept / etching, 1983, opus 262
66,5 x 32,5 cm

Jiří Anderle
Surrealistická kompozice / Surrealistic Composition

lept / etching, 1983, opus 263
68,5 x 52,5 cm

Jiří Anderle
Bella matribus detestata

lept / etching, 1984, opus 270
66,5 x 49,5 cm

Jiří Anderle
Princezna Elizabet / Princess Elisabeth

lept a kresba / etching and drawing, 1985, opus 304
15 x 19,5 cm